Sunday, 30 June 2013

Tropical Breeze Milk Shake


  • Chocolate or vanilla ice cream - 5 Cups
  • Milk                - 2 1/2 cup
  • Canned unsweatened coconut milk - 1 1/4 cup
  • Pineapple (peeled, cored, chopped) - 1 Large
  • Bananas                 - 5 ripe
  • Papayas (peeled, seeded, chopped) - 3 medium
  • Strawberries (hulled)         - 10-20 (as per taste)


Blend 1 1/4 cups ice cream, 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp milk, 5 tbsp coconut milk, 1/4 of pineapple, 1 1/4 bananas, 1/4 of papays and 8 strawberries in blender until smooth.
Pour into large pitcher. Repeat with remaining ingredients in three more batches. Serve chilled.

Baked Vegetable Omelet

Another good recipe for weight conscious people. Easy to prepare and not very high on the calories. Don't have to worry about fats and calories. Specially suited for middle and relatively older age people.


Eggs         - 6
Flour        - 1/4 Cup
Capsicum (finely chopped) - 1
Coriander (chopped) - 1/4 Cup
Milk                  - 1/4 Cup
Onion         - 3
Salt                - 1/2 tbsp
Black Pepper        - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder         - 1/2 tsp
Vinegar                  - 1/2 tsp
Olive Oil                 - 1/4 Cup
Bread crumbs (toasted and crushed) - 1/2 Cup


You have to first of all mix the flour and baking powder well. Then add salt and black pepper to the diced vegetables. In another bowl break the eggs, add the milk, vinegar and beat well. Add the egg mixture to the vegetables and stir well. Grease a flat round baking dish and sprinkle it with the crushed bread crumbs. Pour the omelette mixture over the bread crumbs and bake in a pre-heated oven for almost 20 minutes or until the top turns golden. Serve hot.
My Comments
I strongly recommend that you start your day with a healthy breakfast and make sure that you don't compromise on the nutrition that you need to take a good kick off. However, those who want to make sure that they don't exceed on the caloric intake as well as the cholesterol, this is one of the perfect recipes. Remember not to take sugary foods and beverages as well as other junk foods.
Start your day with a warm glass of milk with one tablespoon honey. It helps in reducing abdominal fats and gives a radiant look to your face (fresh and glowing skin). It also helps in defying ageing phenomenon and wrinkles.
Have a great day. Good Luck.


All salads either of fruits or vegetables are healthy. An assortment of boiled meat, nuts, cheese and butter can also add to the nutrition value.  Olive oil will add to the taste besides being a healthy ingredient. Those interested in weight loss will satisfy their appetite through the fillers. Here under are different recipes which are good from health point of view:-

Beet Root Salad


Beet root - 125 grams
Potato boiled - 125 grams
Cabbage - 125 grams
Cucumber - 125 grams
You may cut the beet root in any shape. (Hearts look cute!)


Cut beet root in cubes or any shape and put these in a pan with one cup of water and cook until very less water is left or almost dried. Now cut potatoes and cucumber in cubes. Finally cut the cabbage and mix the vegetables in a bowl.
Dressing for Salads


Garlic - 2 Cloves
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Tomato ketchup         - 1/2 cup
Brown vinegar - 1/2 cup
Salt - 1/2 Tsp
Olive oil - 1/4 cup
Onion - 1/2


Put onion, garlic, salt, sugar, oil, brown vinegar in a blender and mix them well. Now add tomato ketchup and also mix it. Pour this dressing in vegetable bowl just before serving. 


Family Health

A family may include memebers which include:-

Pregnant ladies
Feeding mothers
Individuals with different ailment
High or low blood pressure
High cholestrol
Heart disease
Arthritis etc
All of them have different requirements of food intake corresponding to their daily needs. It is, therefore, essential to have a basic idea of the caloric value of  different fruits, vegetables, milk, nuts, lentils and grains. Therefore, it will be appropriate to make a chart for their special requirements. Given below is the caloric value of daily use food items:-
 Caloric Value per 100 grams of Different Food Items :-


Apple - 59
Apricot - 53
Banana         - 116
Grapes (black) - 58
Grapes (green)        - 71
Jambulin         - 62
Orange         - 48
Mango   - 74
Papaya - 32
Lemon - 59
Peach - 50
Pear         - 52
Pineapple        - 46
Pomegrante - 65
Water Melon - 16
Melon - 17
Dates - 144
Strawberry - 44
Cherry - 64
Lychee - 61
Coconut - 24


Almonds        - 655
Pinus gerardiana      - 615
Peanut - 570
Pistachio        - 626
Currant - 308
Walnut - 687
Seasme seeds - 563


Onion - 50
Green Onion - 41
Garlic - 77
Ginger - 97
Cucumber        - 13
Potato - 97
Carrot - 48
Reddish - 25
Capcicum        - 24
Sweet Potato - 120
Peas        - 60
Cauliflower - 30
Cabbage         - 12
Lady finger - 35
Turnip - 29
Bitter Gourd - 25
Egg plant        - 24


Rice         - 345
Whole Grain - 346
Flour(atta) - 341
Corn          - 342

Milk and Dairy Products:-

Buffaloe Milk - 117
Cow Milk         - 67
Goat Milk        - 72
Yogurt - 60
Smoothies        - 15
Cheese - 348
Butter - 729
Clarified Butter(gheee)- 900
Cooking oil - 900
Fish oil - 900

Meat and Eggs:-

Chicken - 129
Beef        - 200
Mutton - 180
Egg white        - 37
Egg yolk - 350

Sea Food:-

Shrimps - 394
Prawns - 89
Fish        - 101


Sugar - 398
Honey - 319
Sweet Cookie - 450
Milky Bread - 244
Sugar cane extracts - 39
Carbonated Drinks - 110-130

Note:For more details consult your doctor


All salads either of fruits or vegetables are helathy. An assortment of boiled meat, nuts, cheese and butter can also add to the nutrition value.  Olive oil will add to the taste besides being a healthy ingredient. Those interested in weight loss will satisfy their appetite through the fillers. Here under are different recipes which are good from health point of view:-

Chicken With Nuts Salad 

Chicken                          - 250 grams
Cucumber                       - 2
Capcicum                        - 2
Tomato                           - 2
Carrots (medium size) - 2
Eggs full boiled                 - 2
Raisins - 1/4 Cup
Almond (fried) - 1/4 Cup
Peanuts (fried)                  - 1/2 Cup
Cheese (cut into cubes) - 1/4 Cup
Olive Oil                          - 1 Tbsp
Soya sauce - 1 Tsp
Vinegar and lemon juice - 1 Tsp
Salt and pepper - as per taste
Mayonnaise - 3.5 Tbsp
Honey - 1 Tbsp
Ketchup                           - 3 Tbsp


Boil the chicken and make it boneless. Add one Tbsp oil, one Tsp soya sauce, salt, pepper, vinegar and lemon juice. Make a paste of mayonnaise, ketchup and honey. Mix all ingredients in this paste. Sprinkle chopped almonds, peanuts on top and refrigerate it. Serve chilled.



The food that we consume has a direct effect on our health. Besides, it will also have positive implications for psychological health. All that matters is that you should be aware of the
nutrition value of the food that you eat. For example some foods are good for strengthening bones, some give you right amount of vitamins while others give you other minerals etc. I am focusing on the type of foods that are specially ideal for improving the eyesight.  I had thought of writing about this many a times but somehow could not find time. Nonetheless, I reckon this one of the important facets of our day to day life. Lot of computers, video games and watching television has had pronounced effects on the eyesight. Therefore, I think it would be prudent to share a few tips to help improve the eyesight.

Foods that help to Improve Eyesight

  • Nuts specially almonds. 
  • Milk.
  • Eggs.
  • Olive oil.
  • Lemons.
  • Grapes.
  • Fresh fruits.
  • Carrots. 
  • Fish oils.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Apricots.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cabbage.
  • Collard Greens.


A healthy balanced food provides the energy and nourishment that the body needs to survive and enjoy life. Eating too little can soon lead to illness, but eating too much or an unbalanced food can also lead to problems. Balanced meal contains generous portion of starchy foods with plenty of vegetables, salads and fruits.

Healthy Eating


  • Eat a variety of different foods.
  • Eat the right amount of food at the right time.
  • Eat a little bit of everything.
  • Do not have sugary foods and junk foods.
  • Have plenty of intake of fluids (8-12 glasses of water daily).

Fitness Tips

  • Increase water intake as it works for weight loss.
  • 10-20 minutes walk on daily will also be helpful.
  • Diet and exercise together help maintain weight.
  • Eat frequent small meals so that you don't get hungry.
  • Take green tea (2-3 times a day) as it helps to burn fats.
  • Take more fruits and vegetables.
  • Take a warm glass of water empty stomach with one tsp honey and few drops of lemon juice. Would help in reducing abdominal fats.
  • People who want to reduce weight, having high cholesterol should have two garlic cloves empty stomach.
  • Avoid crash dieting. The rate of weight loss should not be more than 1-2 pounds per week. 
  • Dramatic loss is usually of the fluids and will come back quickly.
  • Aim to improve your eating habits gradually.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Breakfast which is full of essetial nutrition
is a necessity to kick start a great day. The undermentioned breakfast is best served with any fresh juice or a smoothie. Here is the recipe:-
Grilled Eggs  
Eggs (hard boiled) -
Steamed Fish - 80 grams
Butter - 1 Tbsp
Cheddar Cheese (grated) - 1 Tbsp
Salt - As per taste
Pepper - As per taste
Tasty Grilled Eggs
Cut the hard boiled eggs into two an dremove yolks in a bowl. Mash eggs yolks, steamed fish, butter, salt and pepper together. Divide this mixture into 8 portions and fill the egg whites. Sprinkle with a little grated cheese and grill till cheese melts.
My Comments
Enjoy the healty breakfast. Kids will like this nutritious breakfast as it contains cheese, butter and eggs. Ideal for growing up kids and best to meet their daily energy requirements. If you are looking at some extra calcium don't forget to give a glass of milk to your child. I am sure it will contribute towards a great day which will be full of energy.