07:49 by Unknown
A healthy balanced food provides the energy and nourishment that the body needs to survive and enjoy life. Eating too little can soon lead to illness, but eating too much or an unbalanced food can also lead to problems. Balanced meal contains generous portion of starchy foods with plenty of vegetables, salads and fruits.
Healthy Eating
- Eat a variety of different foods.
- Eat the right amount of food at the right time.
- Eat a little bit of everything.
- Do not have sugary foods and junk foods.
- Have plenty of intake of fluids (8-12 glasses of water daily).

Fitness Tips
- Increase water intake as it works for weight loss.
- 10-20 minutes walk on daily will also be helpful.
- Diet and exercise together help maintain weight.
- Eat frequent small meals so that you don't get hungry.
- Take green tea (2-3 times a day) as it helps to burn fats.
- Take more fruits and vegetables.
- Take a warm glass of water empty stomach with one tsp honey and few drops of lemon juice. Would help in reducing abdominal fats.
- People who want to reduce weight, having high cholesterol should have two garlic cloves empty stomach.
- Avoid crash dieting. The rate of weight loss should not be more than 1-2 pounds per week.
- Dramatic loss is usually of the fluids and will come back quickly.
- Aim to improve your eating habits gradually.
Tagged: Health Tip
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